The LakeSoft Emailer Suite is a collection of buttons & scripts for use with WestCode Software's OneClick. It enhances Claris Emailer v1.0 and higher. You need to have OneClick and Emailer installed to use the LakeSoft Emailer Suite.
Cool! How much does it cost?
The suite is freeware. If you don't understand what freeware is, please see the legal section below.
System Requirements:
To enjoy the full functionality of the LakeSoft Emailer Suite, we recommend that Internet Config 1.2, ICScriptor 1.0, MacPPP Control 1.4, Finger 1.5.0, Eumorpha, and AppleScript 1.1 also be installed and configured. InternetConfig, ICScriptor, and Eumorpha are freeware. Peter Lewis' Finger is $10 shareware. AppleScript 1.1 comes with MacOS 7.5. ICScriptor is included in this Suite.
1) Import both the Emailer Palette and Paste Face Palette with Emailer open.
2) Close the Paste Face Palette.
3) Drag the OCSignatures Folder and the OCFiles Folder to your Preferences Folder.
4) Install and configure InternetConfig, Finger, and Eumorpha.
5) Place InternetConfig Commands and MacPPP Control in your Scripting Additions folder (it's in your System Folder/Extensions)
6) Restart.
What do I do with the Library?
Well, I figure that most of you will want to customize your own palettes. So, for ease of use, I included all of the suite in one Library in addition to the stock palette. Remember though, if you use Smart Reply, all three buttons are required.
What do the buttons do?
The Suite contains the following buttons:
--- OCSigs --- Allows one click access to your own collection of signatures. Your default signature (as set in InternetConfig) is always available, along with any additional signatures that you may wish to use.
--- SmartReply --- One click on this button creates a reply message, and also allows paragraph-by-paragraph quoting of the replied-to message. It also inserts a handy "On January 1st at 5:00PM, Joanne Smith wrote:" line.
--- ConnectNow --- One click connects, uploads new mail, and downloads all waiting mail for all of your accounts.
--- AddUser --- Automatically scans any open message in the Filing Cabinet and extracts the sender's e-mail address, and creates a new Address Book entry for that user.
---OC-PPP --- This simply opens/closes PPP, allows you to check mail, and gives you access to a few control panels. This does require MacPPP Control 1.4.
--- Kill User --- Automatically scans any open message in the Filing Cabinet or the In Box, extracts the sender's e-mail address, and ensures that any future e-mail from this person will be automatically deleted.
--- SmartDelete --- Automatically OK's that pesky "are you sure you want to delete that message" dialog box.
--- ISO Codes --- Think globally, click locally! A handy pop-up list of every ISO Internet Country Code. Don't know the code for Bulgaria? Impress your friends!
--- Smileys!--- A handy pop-up list of commonly used emoticons. Choosing either a face or its label pastes the face.
---Digest Burster---Click this button with a digest open and it will be burst. It's contents will be placed in a new folder in the filing cabinet.
--- TheFinger --- Automatically grabs the e-mail address of the message you have open and launches a 'finger' query on that user.
--- Contact LakeSoft --- A simple way of getting in touch with the authors of this suite via e-mail, FTP or the Web. This button also helps you join the OneClick-Talk mailing list.
--- Print Message --- Prints the message.
--- New Message --- Starts a new message.
The nitty-gritty:
Click and hold the button.
Selecting ICSig types in your default sig file as set up in Internet Config. If you are using IC Random Signature (part of the Internet Config system) one of your random sigs will be typed in for you.
Highlighting some text and then selecting Clip2Sig will create a new signature available in the pop-up list. You'll be prompted to give each new sig file a name.
Selecting Delete... will present you with the complete list of your installed sig files. You can then select and delete any from this list.
OCSigs does require the excellent Internet Config. system. If you aren't using it, you should be. You can FTP it from your friendly local InfoMac mirror.
Oh, if you click the button, it defaults to your IC Sig. Really, it is imperative that you use Internet Config for these scripts.
This button may be clicked when you are viewing a piece of recieved e-mail (whether it's in the In-Box or its filed away in one of your folders).
Hit the SmartReply button. This will create a reply message (just like the Emailer Reply button). Then, whenever you want to quote from the original mail, simply press ctrl-' (please note: this is ctrl-' as opposed to ctrl-` -- you should use the key that has the double quote on it). This calls an invisible button and activates a script. The script parses (scans) the original message and quotes one paragraph at a time. The first quote is preceeded by "On 01/08 at 4:49 PM, Mark Brooks wrote:" Actually, it's pretty doubtful it will say that, but it will insert the correct data from the message you are replying to...
Press ctrl-z to undo your last quoting.
Also, if you press command while clicking the SmartReply button, it immediately quotes the whole message with the time/date/sender header.
Please note that if you do not use the American date format (month/day/year), you may import the "Non-US Date Palette" and switch the main reply button with the one provided. This will quote in the international date format (day/month/year), provided your Date/Time control panel is set correctly.
This button simply connects to your selected accounts.
One click of the button does all of the mail duties that you have set up in your Emailer Connect Now Setup.
If you command-click the button, you have the opportunity to modify your preferred Connect Now settings.
You may click this button only when you're viewing a message that has been filed. It will not work in the In Box. The button parses (scans) the message for the either the sender's info (or the recipient's info if you're in Sent Mail) The appropriate data is extracted, and a new user is created in your Address Book.
AddUser will work just great on users who have names like Jane Smith and also names like Hans Von Lees. You may experience unexpected results on people who have more than three discrete words in their names. And if there is no name, but just a company name, the company name will be added to the Description field of the New User.
You may click this button only when you're viewing an open message that has either been filed or is in the In Box. The button parses (scans) the message for the either the sender's info (or the recipient's info if you're in Sent Mail). The appropriate data is extracted, and the person is added to a "killfile" Group. The first time it is run, the "killfile" group is created along with a Mail Action routing all mail from that group into the Deleted Mail Folder.
Also known as a "Bozo Filter", this button will ensure that you never have to even *see* mail from undesirable people. Also works great on regularly sent junk mail.
KillUser will be the last Mail Action when it is added since there is no easy way to change its priority with OneClick. So, if the mail from the user is acted upon by another, earlier Mail Action, it will get through your "killfile." The best thing to do is to manually change the priority of this action to the desired setting. Once this is set, adding new people to the list will not alter the priority. Also, there is no way for OneClick to tell if you've deleted the mail action. If you delete the group but not the action, for instance, Emailer will not let you create a new action with the same name. If you delete the action, the mail will come through despite people being in the "killfile" group. Clear?
Smart Delete:
This simply auto-OKs the delete message alert. This is handy since it will not work with Delete (Empty) Folder. This way you can have that very necessary alert, but not have to deal with the regular one.
ISO Codes:
This is just a popup list of the country codes (ie, Japan JP, Australia AU, Lesotho LS).
Digest Burster:
This button requires Eumorpha to run. It will copy the contents of an open digest into a holding file, open it with Eumorpha, which basically does the rest. The new folder is serialized (ie Digest -1, Digest -2).
A 'finger' is a query that is sent from your computer to the other user's mail-host. It usually returns useful information on the user that you are querying.
This one requires ICScriptor (included), Internet Config (not included) and Finger (not included).
You need to set Finger 1.5.0 as your finger helper app in Internet Config.
This button works on open mail and on address book entries. Click the button to automatically launch Finger and send a query to the other user's mailhost. Please note that some mailhosts do not allow finger queries in. And please don't forget to register as a Finger user if you use this button often.
Contact LakeSoft:
Click and hold this button to reach us by e-mail, log into our FTP server, or access our Web pages. The button will also help you join the LakeSoft OneClick-Talk mailing list (a real friendly place to hang out and discuss OneClick and it's varied applications). The default is for the Web page.
Legal Stuff:
OneClick is a registered trademark of WestCode Software, Inc. Claris Emailer is a registered trademark of Claris Corporation. MacOS & AppleScript are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.
LakeSoft releases these OneClick enhancements as a free service to the Macintosh community, however all rights in respect of copyright and ownership rest with LakeSoft. You may freely distribute the software contained in this archive on the condition that neither the code, scripts, appearance or accompanying documentation is altered or modified in any way, save for alternative archive-compression methods. You may not charge any money for this software. Neither LakeSoft nor any contributor to this software will be liable for any loss or damage to your information systems as a direct or indirect result of installation or use of the software.
An invitation:
Please visit our World Wide Web site for other cool stuff. Point your browser to We also maintain an ftp server at We love to hear your suggestions!
Documentation: Mark Brooks and Simon Cousins
All Scripts: Mark Brooks, Except: "Smileys" aka "Paste Face" by Jeff Jungblut
Inspiration: Emailer-Talk, OneClick-Talk, Dan Crevier, Bobby Saha, and Simon Cousins